Welcome to Limited Perspective

Hello! Thank you for visiting my site. Or am I visiting you? It is your screen, after all. Thanks for cleaning it!

In lieu of flowers or wine, I brought along for your enjoyment a photo of Arivaca Lake in southern Arizona. Take a moment.

Look at the photo below. That is a view of the sky from Mars. The Earth and Moon appear as little pinholes of light. All of our hopes, joys, follies, and fears fit onto that tiny bright dot. The problems and tragedies of life are reduced to almost nothing from this viewpoint. But to be fair, so are the kindnesses, the great achievements, the dreams made real.


Should you always look at the world that way? Of course not; it’s a long way to Mars, and really cold there. But if you move around where you are, even just a little, you’ll see transformation. You’ll see how things seem to change as you look at different facets, in different light, at different times, in different moods.

Limited Perspective is my way of mapping what I can see, how I see it, and what remains unseen (at least for now). I ask a lot of questions, and provide some answers. And jokes.

I divide my writings into several categories, under the pretense that I’m organized. So come explore, and stay as long as you like! Dress code is casual; bring your own beverages.

Please enjoy the pictures, visit a page or three, take a look at the postings I submit for your perusal. And then look again later, when you’re in a different place. The view might have changed.

Your emails about this site are welcome. Well, some of them. Write to me at Guy at LimitedPerspective dot org. 

Follow me on X (formerly Twitter) @LimitedPerspect for posting updates and occasional random acts of awareness.


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